The housing situation in Dublin and around the country is at crises levels where we now have over 2,600 adults, including 790 families and over 1600 children in emergency accommodation in Dublin alone. This means moving from hostel to hostel or hotel room to hotel room with their children often on a daily basis. 74 families have become homeless in Dublin in April this year alone. There is no human dignity in this colleagues, this is a human rights issue and a trade union issue. Perhaps many of you can see the parallels to the conditions that existed for many citizens 100 years ago in 1916.
Our union is involved with the National Homeless and Housing Coalition which is also supported by a range of organisations, political parties and other unions. Together we a rallying outside the Custom House at 2pm this coming Saturday 28th May to march to the GPO to demand action on this issue.
Be part of the solution and give an hour of your time if you can