- Sound PostRead the Winter 2024 edition of SoundPost Read the Autumn 2024 edition of SoundPost Read the Summer 2024 edition of SoundPost Read the Spring 2024 edition of SoundPost Read the Winter 2023 edition of SoundPost Read the Autumn 2023 edition of SoundPost Read the Summer 2023 edition of SoundPost Read the Spring 2023 edition of… Continue Reading
- Musicians Union of Ireland calls for protection for funding during Arts Council reviewFunding for arts sector projects must be protected during the review of the operation of the Arts Council following the revelations concerning spending by the organisation on an unsuccessful IT transformation scheme, according to the Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI). Following a meeting of the MUI Executive this week in Liberty Hall in Dublin, MUI… Continue Reading
- (no title)
- Musicians Union of Ireland says RTÉ needs reform but public sector broadcasting must be protectedThe Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI) fully supports the reform of RTÉ but has called on the value of public service broadcasting to be fully recognised during any reorganisation of the national broadcaster. MUI Organiser, Michelle Quinn, said: “MUI members in the RTÉ Concert Orchestra took part in the staff protest at the station on 27th June. While deeply dismayed… Continue Reading
- SoundPostRead the Winter 2024 edition of SoundPostRead the Autumn 2024 edition of SoundPostRead the Summer 2024 edition of SoundPostRead the Spring 2024 edition of SoundPost Read the Winter 2023 edition of SoundPostRead the Autumn 2023 edition of SoundPostRead the Summer 2023 edition of SoundPostRead the Spring 2023 edition of SoundPost Read the Winter 2022 edition… Continue Reading
- Save the DateRegistration is open – Register Today! Continue Reading
- Raise the Roof Rally Saturday 26th November
- Irish Equity and MUI welcome grant awards through the Basic Income for the Arts Pilot SchemeDate Released: 08 September 2022 Irish Equity and the Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI) have welcomed the awarding of 2,000 grants for artists and creative arts workers through the new Basic Income for the Arts Pilot Scheme, which were announced today (Thursday, 8th September). Irish Equity and MUI Organiser, Michelle Quinn, said: “Our members welcome the… Continue Reading
- Irish Equity and MUI call for increased support for workers and venuesIrish Equity and the Musicians Union of Ireland have called for an immediate increase in support from the Government for all workers and entertainment venues impacted by the tightening of Covid-19 restrictions. SIPTU Sector Organiser, Michelle Quinn, said: “The members of Irish Equity and the Musicians Union of Ireland fully appreciate that we as a country must… Continue Reading
- Equity and MUI seek further financial aid for performersFollowing the introduction of further Covid-19 restrictions, Irish Equity and the Musicians’ Union of Ireland (MUI) have welcomed the return of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment and the continuing support available through the Covid Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS). “Additional Covid-19 restrictions have already damaged the live arts and entertainment sector due to the reduced capacity of theatres and… Continue Reading
- (no title)To view the latest information regarding the re-opening of PUP to workers impacted by the latest restrictions please visit: https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/2c0eb-minister-humphreys-announces-details-on-the-re-opening-of-pup-to-workers-impacted-by-the-latest-restrictions/ For queries regarding the PUP please email artistspup@welfare.ie or queries can also be directed to the Department via Twitter @welfare.ie Postal address for queries:PUP SectionFREEPOSTPO Box 13267WexfordCo. Wexford Continue Reading
- SoundPost Winter 2021Read SoundPost Winter Edition 2021 Continue Reading
- Choral Evensong at St Patricks Cathedral
- Webinar on Universal Basic IncomeIrish Equity webinar:Universal Basic Income for the Arts – What does it mean for you?Monday 1st November 2021 from 7.30pm – 9.30pm If you wish, please join us for this important information webinar on Universal Basic Income (UBI) for the Arts.The webinar will endeavour to give attendees a better understanding of what UBI means for them.… Continue Reading
- GIG for GAZAA fundraiser organised by the Musicians Union of Ireland & SIPTU with proceeds to the Middle East Children’s Alliance. Live on YouTube & Facebook this Monday (31st May) from 8pm. Please donate what you can here Continue Reading
- Universal Basic Income for the ArtsWorkers in our arts, culture, live performance and events industry need this emergency support if they are to survive this crisis and rebuild our creative futures to sustain and unite people in a post Covid world. Sign the petition today. Continue Reading
- GIG for GAZA
- Musicians union welcomes €50 million funding for Live Performance sectorThe Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI) has welcomed the Government’s announcement of €50 million in measures to support the Live Performance sector. Continue Reading
- Rynagh O’Grady TributeIrish Equity has lost another great stalwart with the sudden death of actress, Rynagh O’Grady. She was a concerned activist for both Irish Equity and British Equity for many years. Born in Dublin in 1954, Rynagh trained at the Abbey School of acting in 1969 and made her debut there in The Becauseway. In the 1970s,… Continue Reading
- Budget 2021 and the ArtsSee relevant information here: Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP)The new weekly payment structure is as below: for individuals who earn €400 and over- the rate of payment is €350 for individuals who earn between €300 and €399.99 per week – the rate of payment is €300 for individuals who earn between €200 and €299.99 per week – the rate… Continue Reading
- (no title)Dear member, There is now a helpdesk available from the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in relation to the COVID-19 Emergency Payment. The Department has agreed to handle individual queries from artists and arts workers about the payment so if you’ve been refused the payment or have a question about your eligibility you can now… Continue Reading
- COVID-19 updateDear Member In the first instance I want to say thank you for all of your feedback and for sending in your queries to us. We are receiving a lot of questions about rights and entitlements associated with the new Covid-19 income support scheme so, in order to assist as many people as possible, here… Continue Reading
- Stop exploiting artists with ‘freebie’ culture, Arts Council saysRead this The Irish Times article by Deirdre Falvey Continue Reading
- COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment PaymentDear Member, Following significant lobbying by SIPTU and the Irish Congress of trade Unions, the Government announced on 24th March new measures to provide financial support to Irish workers affected by the Covid-19 crisis for both self-employed and employed workers. This includes also assistance for renters and utility bills etc. Continue Reading
- ICTU SurveyIf you are a trade union member and have experience of sexual harassment at work please complete the Irish Congress of Trade Unions questionnaire Continue Reading
- NCFA Covid-19 SurveyIn an effort to assess potential damages of the impact of COVID-19 on the artistic community and to endeavour to provide potential solutions to the situation, the NFCA is collecting data to aggregate information on cancelled events, postponed performances, lost opportunities and loss of income in the sector. Please take a few minutes to fill… Continue Reading
- Choral Evensong
- Do you use Public Liability Insurance? Is it too Expensive? Have your Say!The union is endeavoring to understand the requirement for public liability insurance for people who work in the arts industry. Can you take 60 seconds to answer these few short questions so we can establish if the union is in a position to provide this insurance to you at a lower cost. Fill in the… Continue Reading
- Cormac Breatnach – The Whistle Blower
- Musicians Union of Ireland supports Eurovision Song Contest protest tomorrowThe Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI) is calling on its members to attend a protest in support of the call for a boycott of the Eurovision Song Contest, to be held by Israel in 2019, which will take place outside of RTÉ Studios in Donnybrook, Dublin 4, tomorrow (Friday, 8th March) at 1.00 p.m. MUI Organiser,… Continue Reading
- Eurovision Song ContestThe Eurovision song contest is due to take place in Tel Aviv, Israel in May. Last year, members of the Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI) called for a boycott of the event due to the appalling treatment by the Israeli government of the people of Palestine and the continuing occupation of their lands. The motion… Continue Reading
- Join Equity in the Lyric Theatre Belfast
- Housing is a Human RightHousing is a Human RIght – National Demonstration, Leinster House, Saturday 1st December at 2.00 p.m. Continue Reading
- Choral Evensong in Remembrance of Musicians, Actors & Artists
- Cultural significance of SIPTU/MUI members recognised at RTÉ Folk AwardsThe cultural significance of members of SIPTU and its affiliated body the Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI) was recognised at the inaugural RTÉ Radio 1 Folk Awards, held last night (Thursday, 25th October) in Vicar Street in Dublin, with Lankum winning Best Folk Group and singer, Andy Irvine, presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award. SIPTU Deputy General Secretary,… Continue Reading
- Applying for the 2018 Co-operation Projects Call?10am-3pm Thursday 18th October 2018 Europe House, 12-14 Mount Street Lower, D2 Sign up: E-mail your name, organisation and brief project details to <a href=”mailto:cedculture@artscouncil.ie”>cedculture@artscouncil.ie.</a> Are you developing an application for the next Co-operation Projects deadline in 2018? We will host a free application workshop in Dublin on Thursday 18th October for organisations that are… Continue Reading
- Creative Europe Funding Workshop· Mon 8 October 2018 | 10:00 – 13:00 · Garter Lane Arts Centre, 5 O’Connell Street, Waterford · FREE TICKETS ON EVENTBRITE HERE Our free workshop will be an interactive session for arts, culture, heritage, craft and design organisations to explore ideas for developing transnational working practices and to learn about accessing Creative Europe… Continue Reading
- Have your say: Has Dublin become too expensive for artists to live here?Musician David Kitt says he was being forced to leave because he can’t afford it anymore Musician David Kitt is quitting Ireland, claiming it is too expensive to live in the country anymore. Kitt says he has no choice given that the Dublin house in which he lives is being sold as part of a… Continue Reading
- MUI/SIPTU concerned by National Symphony Orchestra move to National Concert HallThe Musicians Union of Ireland (MUI), an affiliate union of SIPTU, has expressed concern and disappointment with a decision by the Government to move the control of the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra (RTÉNSO) from the broadcaster to the National Concert Hall. MUI/SIPTU Organiser, Graham Macken, said: “The decision was announced following a meeting of the… Continue Reading
- Fighting for FreelancesOn the 150th anniversary of the birth of James Connolly SIPTU, the National Union of Journalists, Irish Equity, and the Musicians Union of Ireland invite you to Fighting for Freelances Conference on Tuesday 5th June, Mansion House, Dublin from 10.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. To confirm attendance go to: www.eventbrite.com • A light lunch will… Continue Reading